
May 22, 2016




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The Carnival Liberty spoiled me and took me on an amazing adventure! This was my very first cruise, and if you have never been, I would most definitely recommend it. Our ship traveled to Cozumel & Progresso, Mexico. There are so many different, fun events that take place all throughout the day on the ship, and fun excursions off of it when you’re docked at your locations. The best part? Free food all day everyday! Ooo lala. My favorite part had to be spending the day in Cozumel, Mexico. I had never been out of the Country, and this place was just gorgeous. We laid out and played in the water all day, and for lunch, real Mexican chicken quesadillas. YUM. We also went to 2 comedy shows, a 70s sing & dance show, an 80’s sing along (I think the whole ship attended, that was fun), layed out, took a trip down the water slide, watched a movie outdoors on the big screen, ate, and then ate some more. Did I mention the food was free? 😉 The cruise was absolutely amazing and such an incredible experience.

Getting back to reality is always tough, but I was SO excited to see my Jojo when I got off of the ship. I missed my best friend! We’ve spend some great time together, and tomorrow is an exciting day or Jo..he starts his first big boy job! Whoah, time needs to slow down. Exciting things ahead!

Hope you all are having an amazing summer so far, would love to hear about your plans! Have a great week friends (:

xx, Kemper