July 25, 2019

Jo is always on the hunt for good swimming trunks for the summer, but he is super picky & selective about what he likes.  For him, it’s not just about the way they look.  While that is important, he also needs them to meet a variety of other standards.  He was pumped when he put on these Bonobos trucks & found that they met all of his wants & needs in a suit.  Most of the time, Jo isn’t just laying out or swimming in his trunks, he often wears them out, plays beach games in them & spends a good amount of time wearing them.  He was happy to report that these were super comfortable & the perfect length & material.  They also have a ton of other color options, along with 3 different length options that you can choose from.  Jo definitely plans on adding more of these to his collection.  Check out more from Bonobos & treat your man by clicking the link here.